- Used Flottweg Centrifuges
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- !!!SOLD!!! Flottweg Z4E-4/444 Tricanter !!!SOLD!!!
!!!SOLD!!! Flottweg Z4E-4/444 Tricanter !!!SOLD!!!
Inventory # 700582
Qty 1
Flottweg Z4E-4/444 Tricanter
Fully Variable Controls Included
16.5in inner bowl diameter
4:1 LD Ratio
30HP Bowl Drive 230/460V 3 phase 60Hz
10HP Conveyor Drive 230/460V 3 phase 60Hz
Beach Angle 15º
Hardsurfaced Scroll
3.11 Simp Drive
Manuals available
Vibration Isolators included
Previous uses include Corn Oil Separation and Slop Oil cleaning
If interested please contact [email protected] and reference inventory # 700582
Sold Out